Mesotherapy Treatment
Mesotherapy; It is the technique of applying vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes alone or generally in a mixture to the middle layer of the skin by microinjection. The substances to be injected are selected in accordance with the person and the wishes of the person.
In Which Situations Is Mesotherapy Applied?
Mesotherapy can be applied in many different situations. The most common applications of mesotherapy can be listed as follows;
Skin aging and sagging
Spot treatment, sunspots
Skin cracks
Weight loss
Hair loss, hair treatment, baldness
Under-eye bruises and under-eye bags
Sports injuries
Vitiligo (pigment deficiency in the skin)
Acute and chronic pain
Fibromyalgia (soft tissue rheumatism that makes you feel like you haven't slept at all when you wake up in the morning despite getting enough sleep at night)
In Which Situations Mesotherapy Is Not Applied?
in pregnant women
In lactating mothers
Those with a history of stroke (stroke)
In those with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
In cancer patients
Those who have blood clotting problems
Those who are at risk of having an allergic reaction to any of the drugs to be used
In urticaria patients
Mesotherapy is not applied to people with heart disease that requires more than one
drug treatment.
What are the Mesotherapy Features?
In mesotherapy, small amounts of drugs are given directly to the problem area by microinjection method. In this way, the problem is solved without causing a systemic effect and maximum benefit is obtained from the treatment.
What are the Side Effects of Mesotherapy?
Temporary redness and bruising may occur at the injection site. This is not a problem because these effects disappear spontaneously within 1-2 days since the substances used do not enter the systemic circulation.
When is the response to treatment received?
Although the response to the treatment depends on the severity of the problem, the age of the person and the skin structure, it usually begins to be seen after the 2nd or 3rd session.
What Should Be Considered After Mesotherapy?
Before and after mesotherapy sessions, drugs that dilute blood, such as aspirin, should not be used. After the mesotherapy session, the application area should not be touched with water for about 10-15 hours.
It is recommended not to wear tight-fitting trousers such as jeans and tight trousers. After the mesotherapy sessions, difficult movements should not be done for 48 hours, bathing and make-up should be avoided for 10-15 hours.
Regional Lubrication
Mesotherapy is offered as an alternative treatment to liposuction in the removal of regional fat in the abdomen, waist, arms and legs. It ensures the destruction of the fat tissue in the injection area. If the treatment is supported by diet and exercise, the results will last longer than normal.
Hair Mesotherapy
Hair mesotherapy is a method that prevents hair loss in both women and men, but also provides hair growth and can also be used as a treatment for baldness. It prevents hair loss by providing the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the scalp of people with baldness problems.
It is performed by injecting a liquid into the scalp with the help of an injector containing nutrients. This method also accelerates cell metabolism, destroys infections and greatly increases the speed of blood circulation in the scalp.
By revitalizing the hair follicles, it helps you to have long, strong, voluminous and healthy hair. In the mesotherapy method, using very fine needles, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other components that will strengthen and care for the tissue are injected 2-3 mm under the scalp. It is usually applied 6 months after the hair transplant and future hair loss is prevented by caring for and strengthening the newly grown hair strands.
Genetic predisposition, environmental factors (stress, smoking, air pollution, UV rays), hormonal disorders, nutrition and sleep disorders; It causes hair breakage, shedding, lifelessness and thinning.
With mesotherapy applications, the blood circulation of the hair follicles is increased, and the vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for their nutrition reach the hair. Especially in some types of hair loss, good results are obtained with hair mesotarepsia. Depending on the patient's problem, 4-10 sessions are performed in weekly or bi-weekly sessions.
Cellulite Mesotherapy
Cellulite is a circulatory disorder that can be seen in men and women of all ages. The problem usually occurs after the lymph drainage problem due to hormonal factors.
Substances injected under the skin with mesotherapy regulate the blood flow and lymphatic circulation in the cellulite area, dissolve the fat deposits and finally fix the hardened connective tissue. In this way, the person's appearance changes.
In the treatment of cellulite, successful results are obtained with mesotherapy within 4-10 weeks, once a week. If the treatment is supported by diet and exercise, the results are quite permanent.
Needle Free Mesotherapy
With needle-free mesotherapy, which has been developed as an alternative to needle mesotherapy, which has been frequently preferred in recent years, it is now possible to renew the skin without pain and suffering.
One of the most important features of mesopeeling is the effective mixture in its content. The method, which contains a combination of TCA (Tricarboxylic acid) and H2O2 at adjusted rates, provides an effect on the skin by stimulating fibroblast growth factors without damaging the skin. Thus, bio-strengthening and revitalization is provided on the skin without using a needle.
After the application, the production of collagen under the skin and the strong lifting effect continue, treating the problems of the skin and triggering the formation of new collagen, performing biological stimulation in the cells.
Ideal for patients who want to have mesotherapy but are afraid of needling, Mesopeeling is used in the treatment of sagging, tightening for relaxation, scar and scar treatment, crack treatment and stain treatment in the face, neck, chest and décolleté areas. Successful results are also obtained from the application.
If mesopeeling is combined with filling, a synergy is achieved, in which the effect of both applications increases. It can also be used with rope and roller in laser or radiofrequency treatments.
Facial Mesotherapy
Sun damage and loss of collagen combine to impair the fullness and appearance of the skin. In facial mesotherapy, drugs are mixed in small amounts and given directly into and under the skin. With mesotherapy, the skin can benefit from effective substances in a short time.
In addition, since the drugs are given in very small amounts, the possibility of side effects of the substances used is reduced. Facial mesotherapy (mesolifting) is a natural and beneficial method that renews the skin and is effective in skin wrinkles and skin sagging.
Mesolifting is a highly effective anti-aging treatment. Stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin; It provides rejuvenation, tightening and shine. After facial mesotherapy, the skin looks fresher and rested. Elasticity of the skin increases and skin sagging decreases. Wrinkles are lightened. The skin becomes radiant.
In the facial mesotherapy method, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and amino acids that renew the skin are applied under the skin with tiny needles. Directly giving these beneficial substances to the skin and stimulating the skin increases the collagen and elastin production of the skin, increases the hydration of the skin and renews the skin.
Before the application, the skin is cleaned and disinfected. Anesthetic cream can be applied half an hour before the procedure.