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Polysomnography is a test performed during sleep. It helps to learn the causes of possible sleep disturbance by measuring bodily responses during sleep. With the application of the test, it is aimed to reach the following information;

  • Heart rate

  • Muscle movements

  • Activities in the brain

  • The amount of oxygen in the blood

  • Respiratory system health

  • Eye movements

This test aims to learn the dynamics of transitions between REM and Non-REM sleep. While REM sleep is the dreaming process, brain activity is lower in non-REM sleep.

Why is Polysomnography Done?

The purpose of this test is to find out the cause of sleep disorders and to be able to treat these problems. Here, sleep apnea is usually investigated. Other disorders that can be learned through this test are listed as follows;

  • periodic limb movement disorder

  • Narcolepsy

  • Chronic insomnia

  • Restless legs syndrome

  • REM sleep behavior disorder

These discomforts negatively affect daily life and lead to many different diseases. Some of the disorders caused by sleep disorders are:

  • Hypertension

  • Stroke

  • Heart disorders

  • Depression

In addition to these disorders, many work and traffic accidents occur due to insomnia. For this reason, it is crucial to eliminate sleep problems.

What Should Be Done Before Polysomnography?

There are rules and precautions to be followed for a successful test. The main rule to follow is to stop caffeine and alcohol consumption on the day of the test. At the same time, sedative-derived drugs should not be taken as such substances may mislead test results. The most productive times for the test are one or two hours before standard bedtime. Appropriate clothing should be determined before going to the sleep center. Employees at the sleep center begin to monitor bodily functions by placing electrodes on different parts of the body. Belts attached to the waist and chest area monitor breathing.

What Are the Risks of Polysomnography?

Polysomnography has no risks or side effects. The electrodes attached to the body may cause short-term pain when being removed.

When Are Polysomnography Results Available?

Polysomnography results are available three to four weeks after testing. After these results are compiled, they are sent to the doctor’s control.

What to Do After Polysomnography Results?

The results after the test will determine the treatment. If the cause of the sleep problem is sleep apnea, machinery will be required. If the cause of the problem is neurological or orthopedic, specialist physicians should be consulted.

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